
8 Different Types Of Handshakes & What Truth They Can Reveal About You

In our day-to-day routine, handshakes often play a crucial form in socializing in general. From introductions to deal breakers, we celebrate each of these milestones in social interactions with a handshake. Just like every other human emotion, handshakes have various forms. Behind every form of handshakes lies a specific meaning, expression, and intent. Intricacies of hand interactions are often unpredictable in the sense that we may grant a certain meaning to an emotion portrayed by the other person while in reality, it may turn out to be something else entirely. A deal merger handshake can be perceived as threatening while a cordial handshake while appears as suggestive. To avoid social misunderstanding from taking place, we present you a briefs description of handshakes and what they mean. 

8 different types of handshakes and their meanings

1. Dead Fish 

Have you held someone’s hand for a handshake and felt their whole wrist and palm go limp? The feeling has been cited as similar to holding a dead fish, thus the name. In short, the giver of a dead fish handshake appears to be uninterested or unenthusiastic about the meet. Dead fish handshakes have been known to cast negative energy on the relation, so if you are looking for a romantic or business with the giver of a dead fish handshake, keep your hopes to a bare minimum to dim the prospects of getting hurt later on. 

2. Brush off

A brush off as a handshake, as the name suggests, is short and felt like a brush-off on the hand. This kind of handshakes denotes a general meaning of the separation of classes or social status between the giver and the receiver. Presumably, the receiver is known to have a superiority complex or has an agenda that they consider as more important. Brush off handshakes are barely holding hands for a few seconds and then one party brushing off the other’s hand. You certainly can not expect a quid pro quo relation to develop with the other after experiencing a brush-off. 

3. The Dominator

A pretty self-explanatory handshake, the dominator is widely popular in business spheres and politics. Also called a bossy handshake, the dominator is done by pulling the other counterpart’s hand towards yourself while shaking hands. One of the most prominent instances of a dominator handshake you have seen in the news had taken place between the Former President of the United States, Donald Trump, and President of France, Emmanuel Macron. You can always expect the giver of the dominator handshake trying to dominate your actions and thoughts. 

4. The Hand Hug

The hand hug handshake or the handshake with both hands is quite prominent among politicians and also businessmen in case of agreement and deal scenarios. A hand hug, like the name, symbolizes means a handshake done by both hands. You as a giver of a hand hug first begin with a normal warm handshake and they proceed to hold the upper hand of the receiver with your other hand. One of the prime instances of these handshakes playing out in the media is best seen among politicians. When Donald Trump, as the President of the United States went to meet the Supreme Leader of North Korea, Kim Jong-un, he was photographed giving a hand hug to the leader. This kind of handshake lays the foundation of trust and mediation between the two parties taking part, and that is why it is so prevalent among politicians. 

5. Queen Finger 

The queen finger is one of the sole remnants of chivalry that exists. Basically, a queen finger handshake involves the giver holding the fingers of the receiver in their hand for the said handshake. On a general note, these kinds of handshakes are given and received between opposite sexes. If the situation and relation between the two counterparts of a queen finger handshake are cordial enough, the handshake might even lead to a hand kiss, as you may have already seen in many movies. Queen finger handshake also symbolizes the giver as dominant in the bond with the receiver and a sign of courting.

6. Sweaty Ones

You might have often given or received handshakes with sweaty palms. Human perspiration is natural and sweaty palms are a common phenomenon. Though sweaty handshakes may simply be due to a humid day, they could also signal hidden meaning such as the giver of the handshake being nervous, self-conscious, and/or tensed. If you want the relationship to be fruitful and mutually beneficial in the case of a business, you should not place your bets on your counterpart with the sweaty palm handshake. 

7. Finger Vice

Finger vice are handshakes that involve more fingers, less palm, symbolizing more distance and indifference from one side or both of the counterparts in the handshake. Unlike queen finger, finger vice handshake does not involve signs of chivalry and/or courting. These handshakes often show expressions of nervousness too. In a real sense, a business agreement or deal often seems as unlikely from the giver of a finger vice handshake. 

8. Lobster Claw

Lobster claw mimics the claws of the aquatic animal lobster while performing a handshake. Common between lovers and intimate partners, lobster claw handshakes compromise an individual’s thumb and fingers touching the palm of your hand. The lobster claw handshake can often be seen as a sign of nervousness, fear, and insecurity at the beginning of relationships. Anxiety and commitment issues may be key features in the other individual’s response to your advances. Thus, we suggest you take the relationship slow and steady and do not rush ahead too fast. 

There are other common handshakes that are performed widely all around the world, depending on the situation. Bone Crusher, Top-Handed Shake, The Pusher, Fist Bump, and many more are some of the other forms of handshakes that people perform with each other. One of the essential factors of a handshake depends on the context and relation between the counterparts. Key players of handshakes and their determinants often depend on noticeable/experienced pressure, display of palm, and handshaking. Keep these handshakes and their signals in mind when receiving one anytime later from now on. 

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