11 Best Gift Ideas For Your Dad

Dads are a bit tough right? But no matter how much tough they act from outside; they can be very soft from inside. Dads never stop caring for you guys. From helping you to walk as an infant to secretly being there for you when you were down, they have always been there. And they never stop spoiling you with gifts. Now it is your turn to spoil your dads with tons of gifts as well. We have the best gift ideas for all sorts of daddies out there. Be it Christmas, their birthday or fathers’ day, just pick one according to their preferences and they will love it.
An insulated travel mug for the coffee addict dad
Does your dad need coffee before work, while working or after work, in short, need coffee all the time? Then you should definitely try gifting your dad an insulated travel mug. It will keep his coffee cold or warm, just the way he likes it and he won’t have to worry getting it reheated all the time.
A tool kit for the handyman dad
Does your dad always do the works that requires a tool kit? Then he is the handyman. Gift him an extravagant tool kit to make all his work easier. Make sure it has a set of different screw drivers and socket. He will be very excited and enthusiastic for this and will not have to buy each different tool separately.
A trolley bag for your always-travelling dad
Many of our dads travel a lot, don’t they? Be it for work or for vacation, who doesn’t love travelling. Gift your dad a trolley bag. It will prove to be very convenient while he is out of town, and he can carry all his things in one bag instead of carrying multiple of them. Bonus, whenever he is out travelling, he will see this bag and it will remind him of you.
A shaving kit for your beard man dad
Is your dad a beard man? If he is then he must love trimming and shaping his beard almost every day. Get him a shaving kit to show him how much of a fan you are of his beard. Besides, if the kit contains different types of products like exfoliator, post-shaving serum, he will love exploring all these and you can earn a few brownie points.
A pair of earbuds for your music lover dad
Does your dad love to listen to 80s and 90s music? But does he always play them out loud? And being his kid of another generation you do not like them? Try gifting him earbuds. He will then listen to all his fav music on his own and will also get lost in the world of tunes. Besides, it will also be easier for you to get your work done without the interruption of loud music.
A cute desk cactus for the workaholic dad
Who doesn’t love cute little cactus pots on their desks? If your dad is not the unique one, then he will definitely love a little something on his desk. Gift your dad a cactus with pot for his desk at his office. It will create a very good working environment for him. Whenever he is in a deadline, the cactus will remind him of you, and he will be energized.
A gardening tool kit for your gardener dad
Does your dad love gardening? Does he have his very own garden and tons of plants? And does he spend most of his leisure time watering or trimming the plants? Then you must gift him a gardening tool kit that includes it all. It will make him happy. It will also show him that how much you love him and appreciate his hobbies.
A docking station for the dad who loses all his stuff
Your dad does not have many accessories, does he? Still he seems to lose them all the time. Gift your dad a phone docking station. He will be able to store his phone, sunglasses, pens, watches and even car keys in an organized manner. This will come in handy for him and it won’t bother him if he forgets where he kept his phone once he gets used to the docking station.
A pair of sneakers for dad who works very hard
Gift you dad a pair of simple yet elegant sneaker. He will look handsome after putting this pair on. Moreover, it will make him comfortable. Be it traveling or driving, sneakers are the holy grail of many men. There is nothing more comfortable and luxurious than the feel of good shoes. He will love this gift. It’s a total thumbs up.
A knife set to bring out the chef-side of your dad
Does your dad love to cook and does he cook almost all the time? Gift him a set of super sharp knives with a chopping board. He will love them, and it will help bring out the chef he has stored inside him for a long time. And it is guaranteed that nothing feels better that a knife that cuts vegetables and meat in just one stroke.
A smart watch because your dad deserves it all
Since you were a child, your dad never bothered and never thought twice before giving you an expensive item. He gave you all the things you need. Now it is your turn to make him feel the same way. Gift him a smart watch. It will help keeping track of his exercises, sleeping hours and stress rate.
Suggest some more gift ideas in the comments!