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11 Best Gift Ideas for Baby Shower

Baby showers are one of the ways soon-to-be moms cope up with the life-altering moment that is yet to happen. And a gift for a baby shower is hard to choose unless you have experienced it. If you are not experienced, it is for sure that you are lost in the world of baby products. There are a lot of products you had no idea existed and for most of the products you don’t know their uses. But we have got your back. We have the best gift ideas for babies and their mommies. Go ahead, read it, and save yourself from the confusion. It is guaranteed that all mommies will fall in love with these gifts.

A baby carrier to carry the baby with much ease

Newborn babies can never be left alone except when they are sleeping. In fact, they don’t want to be left alone. So, a baby carrier is one the most important baby products an expectant mother needs. She can carry the baby while doing household chores, or even while grocery shopping. Gift the soon-to-be mother a baby carrier because, eyes closed, she needs it.

A set of mittens to prevent the baby from getting tons of scratches

Nails of the babies are one of the sharpest things. Think what these nails can do to the soft skin of a baby. Most babies get scratches all the time, even while sleeping. So, gift the new mommy a set of anti-scratching mittens. She can put these on her baby’s hand and the baby’s skin will be scratch free. Mommies swear by it.

A set of swaddle cloths to make the baby comfortable

Babies, since birth, need constant warmth. So, get the expectant mommy a set of swaddle clothes. Swaddle clothes can also be used as a changing sheet, burp cloth, stroller cover, play mat and also as a nursing cover. This is a many-in-one product. Before buying, make sure the fabric is soft and is washable because baby products need to be sterilized very often.

A baby bottle warmer to keep the feeding problems away

Feeding babies is a huge task. The milk should remain warm and not too warm so that it loses its nutritional properties, and the bottle needs to be sterilized almost every day. So, go ahead and get the mommy a baby bottle warmer. This is the perfect gift for a newborn baby and this also reduces the feeding problems.

A breast pump for the mother to reduce some pain

Breastfeeding a newborn baby is very essential in the first few months. But sometimes moms who are breastfeeding are not always available to feed their babies. Well, get the expectant mommy a breast pump. She can pump as much milk as she wants, store it and work without stress. Also, women find it harder to pump milk when they are distressed and anxious. So, whenever she is in a good mood, she can pump milk.

A bathing tub with a sitter because bathing babies is a tough job

Bathing a newborn baby is very essential to maintain their body temperature. But it is also a challenge because newborn babies do not have a firm neck. So, get the soon-to-be mommy a bathtub with a sitter. It will be much easier to bathe the baby. After the baby grows a bit and learns to sit, she can still use the bathtub. This is surely going to be a very useful product.

A baby monitor for the mother to keep an eye on her baby

Though babies need someone to be with them constantly, it is not always possible. So, get the mommy a baby monitor. It is a camera which screens the video to the smartphone or the laptop connect. Now the mommy can keep an eye on her baby even if she is not around. She can stay alert of when the baby is crying and can also keep track of the sleep time.

A baby bassinet to carry the baby out with ease

It can be a little hard to carry a baby when outside. Without much thought, get the new mommy a baby bassinet. She can put her baby in there and carry it with ease whenever she is going out. Make sure the bassinet has a cover on top of it to keep the baby away from germs, mosquitoes, and insects.

A baby album to capture all the first times

New parents are very obsessed with their babies, and it is normal to be. Every parent wants to relive moments when the baby laughs for the first time, sits for the first time, walks for the first time, or says the first word. So, get the expectant mommy a baby album. She can capture and paste all the first-time pics and relive the moment anytime she wants.

A diaper pail to keep away the odor

Newborn babies poop a lot, and their diapers can have a very pungent smell. But it is not always possible to leave the baby alone and throw away diapers. So, gift the soon-to-be mommy a diaper pail. It is like a trash can for diapers, and it can keep away the odor of diapers for many days. Trust me, mommies and daddies of a newborn swear by this, and it is their holy grail.

A kit of stretch mark solution for the mommy who might become body conscious 

The mommy will soon be going into labor and after the birth she is going to have lots of stretch marks. All mommies grow conscious of the stretch marks. So get the mommy a kit of stretch mark solution. Make sure it has different oils and moisturizer so that she can get rid of those marks as soon as possible.

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